
The Imagination Library pairs the logistical expertise of Dolly Parton’s Dollywood Foundation with the grassroots touch of a local partner. As the Rochester affiliate, we’re responsible for two core elements of the operation — enrolling families and paying for the bulk purchase price and mailing of the books.

Imagination Library How It Works Diagram

Spreading the word.

It’s on us to let families know what we do, so we’ve partnered with several trusted local organizations, including the two largest pediatrics practices in Rochester, as well as community resources like the Vineyard Community Farm and the CONEA Neighborhood Association. If you’d like to partner with us, please reach out!

Raising the funds.

Each local affiliate is responsible for approximately $2.10 per book— or approximately $25 per child per year — which covers both the wholesale cost of the book and the cost of shipping directly to the child’s doorstep. We rely on individual donors and organizations to fund our operations.